Written by Segolene Tarte
Friday, 02 July 2010 11:15 |
The eSAD project will be represented at DH'10 in London 7-11th July. I will be giving a talk on my latest work on the 8th. The corresponding extended abstract is available for download in our Conference papers section.
Looking forward to a very stimulating conference! |
Briefs about the colloquium |
Written by Segolene Tarte
Monday, 17 May 2010 12:42 |
Sponsored jointly by the British Academy and JISC, the "e-Research on Texts and Images" colloquium positioned itself at the crossroads of Classics, Engineering, and Social Sciences. The study of how ancient and damaged documents are deciphered and the investigation of how to digitally support reading and interpreting them were at the centre of the first day of the colloquium. Covered themes included: approaches to image capture and processing; ethnographic study of documentary scholars and the cognitive processes they mobilize; web-based tools for manipulating, annotating, editing images of ancient texts and their transcription; constitution and access to digital knowledge bases. A panel wrapped up the day by summarizing and discussing the themes broached and the emergent trends in Digital Humanities research, such as, amongst others, the understanding of processes and the affordances between data and content. The second day, lead by Prof. David Robey, dealt with the broader applications of ICT in the Humanities, such as: data mining into large corpora of texts; semantically linking texts; digitization of Humanities material and data, and digital communities of experts.
What people are saying about the event:
Many thanks to the authors for putting these online.
And many thanks also to all who attended, speakers, panelists and delegates for making this event a success!
Slides of the presentations will soon be available online, and a more official form of outcome for the event is currently under discussion. |
Last Updated on Monday, 24 May 2010 10:58 |
Talks of the colloquium available for download |
Written by Segolene Tarte
Monday, 24 May 2010 08:20 |
The talks of the "e-Research on Texts and Images" colloquium are being added as they are received in our documents section, where they can be downloaded from.
Last Updated on Monday, 24 May 2010 08:21 |
"e-Research on texts and images" colloquium 11-12 May (on invitation) |
Written by Segolene Tarte
Friday, 07 May 2010 11:12 |
During this 1.5-day colloquium at the British Academy, we will present and discuss how advanced ICT techniques and approaches have been adopted either by the eSAD team, or by researchers working with ancient textual material. The overall aim is to encourage discussion and exchanges on how to take these technologies forward into a broader range of areas of the humanities.
In particular, on the first day, we will focus on the three following themes: ▪ Image capture and analysis, where the speakers will present their strategies for both capturing the texts digitally and processing the resulting images to help reveal the text. ▪ Virtual Research Environments for the Humanities, where the speakers will show how they have approached the questions of interactions with digitized textual material, and how they can be facilitated. ▪ Specific support tools for e-research in the Humanities, where the speakers will introduce the tools developed to assist researchers in the humanities and to enable them to create, access, use and integrate digitized knowledge. Taking the discussion forward, the morning of the second day will be more concerned with the broader implications of digital technologies for research in the humanities. Each of these workshops will leave a generous time slot for discussion and interactions between the speakers and the delegates.
This one and a half day-colloquium is sponsored by the British Academy and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Last Updated on Monday, 17 May 2010 12:29 |
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